
From Progressbar95 Wiki

0.84 (August Update)
First version0.8230 - 30 August, 2021
Release version0.8400 - 10 September, 2021
Final version0.8430 - 19 September, 2021

0.84 (also known as the August Update) is the twentieth version of Progressbar95 and the third version of the 0.8x family. It brings:

  • Progressball
  • My menu improvements
  • Challenge name corrections in BarOS
  • Bonus points when putting a ball into Bin

Versions[edit | edit source]

0.8430 is the third hotfix. It was released on 19 September, 2021.

  • Bug fixes.

0.8420 is the second hotfix. It was released on 17 September, 2021.

  • Bug fixes.

0.8410 is the first hotfix. It was released on 12 September, 2021.

  • Bug fixes.

0.8400 is the release version. It was released for Android, Steam and iOS on 10 September, 2021.

  • Some updates in Progresstein 3D were provided. It is now easier to catch segments.
  • A bonus is awarded if the ball pop-up lands into Bin.
  • Added Progressball and Progressbar XL box assets for PB-DOS Shell.

0.8250 is the release candidate version. It was released on 9 September, 2021.

0.8240 is the beta version. It was released on 5 September, 2021.

  • Added new assets for Progressball.
  • Redesigned the My menu window.
  • Bug fixes.

0.8230 is the alpha version. It was released on 30 August, 2021.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • 0.84 is the first major update and the only major update in the 0.8x series to not include new systems. The second is 0.92, third is 0.95, and fourth is 0.99.